Sunday, May 15, 2011

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and BYO3

I went to a few sessions in a row that all dealt with VDI and the influx of multiple devices per person.  There are lots of things to think about if you are looking at moving to VDI.  In a nutshell, VDI is creating a VM for employees to use as their desktop system or for them to use to get to company applications.  We've been doing the latter for years and have been experimenting with virtual desktops recently.  Most companies can categorize the employees in to several groups based on their computing needs, what resources they need to get to, and whether they are always in the office or not.

There is no longer a 1 to 1 relationship between clients and machines.  Clients want to access their apps from multiple devices and multiple locations.  Virtualizing apps makes the data more secure, because it is not stored on the mobile devices.  This is a fundamental shift.  The combination of the cloud and mobile means that everything is migrating away from your corporate network.  The network needs to be re-designed to deal with this fact.

One speaker said that he foresees a time when IT wil be getting out the business of providing client machines.  Employees are starting to bring their own machines into work.  Think of the iPhone and any other mobile device.  Think of the personally owned laptop or desktop at home.  With budget crunches, some companies are expecting their employees to provide their own laptop.  This is BYOC or Bring Your Own Computer.  BYO3 is everyone bringing 3 or more devices to work.

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